
カテゴリー: Journal


11 Tips to surviving a day job with your creativity intact

  1. Name your vision.
  2. Set a creative goal that will keep you moving.
  3. Begin the night before.
  4. Get up early.
  5. Design a morning ritual and do it every day.
  6. Learn to do the Lifeboat Exercise.
  7. Set a theme for the day.
  8. Practice relevance.
  9. Put on the headphones and crank up the volume.
 10. Surround yourself with who you are.
 11. Be grateful.


1. Name your vision.

…And once you know what you love to do, you can create a vision of how you will express that in your life. …
Visions are buoyant bubbles that lift the heart and make it sing.


2. Set a creative goal that will keep you moving.

Productive artists do set goals and work toward them with consistency and persistence, and it is exactly this that fosters the growth and advancement for which the human spirit yearns. A goal that serves your vision will give your everyday activities meaning and clarity.


3. Begin the night before.

Before you go to bed, think about the three most important things to do the next day to bring you closer to your goal and write them down. …By writing down your goals the night before, you’re already ahead of the game when you wake up in the morning.


4. Get up early.

Just remember to set your goals the night before so you’re clear in the morning about why you got out of bed?- don’t give yourself an excuse to crawl back under the covers.


5. Design a morning ritual and do it every day.

A ritual is a reverent and purposeful act designed to focus energy and concentration. Rituals are intensely intimate and private acts, so there are as many possibilities as there are individuals. Make it small and keep it simple, something easily hold-able in your heart for the rest of the day.



ちなみに僕自身が毎朝やっている Rituals の1つは発声練習。アナウンサーの研修で行われるような「アエイウエオアオ!」というものです。別にアナウンサーを目指しているわけではなく、人との日々のコミュニケーションに役に立つからです。人と話すときに同じことを言っていても、滑舌よく明瞭に発音した場合とそうでない場合とでは受け取る印象がかなり変わります。言うまでもなく、前者のほうが良い印象になります(せっかく良い提案ができても、話し方が良くなかったせいで相手に伝わらなかったりするのはもったいない)。





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